Why is yoga important for children?

Yoga generally reflects a figure in the mind, performing difficult postures, turning & twisting bodies or hours of meditation or a perceived notion that only ailing people adopt it to get cure for diseases. Yoga can’t be defined within these parameters, it is a lifestyle, a healthy pattern of daily routine tasks which start from getting up till going back to bed again, thinking and managing our emotions, stress and self realization.

In Bhagwat Geeta, it says:

“Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam” means yog brings excellence in every action we perform.

Yog is just not limited to physical or mental peace but is an art of living and addresses almost all aspects of wellbeing. It has innumerable benefits, it creates beautiful harmony between physical, mental & spiritual beings  . It’s an ancient science to harmonize body, mind and breath which unfortunately has not got due recognition. But the good part is, people nowadays are realizing how holistic wellbeing is important to lead a successful life.

Why is Yoga equally important for children as much as adults?  

Children do have to deal with their own stress, anxiety or pressure, the pressure to excel in academics & extra-curricular activities. All thanks to the competitive era & fast-paced technology for the early introduction of unwanted virtues like aggression,  less or no self-control, impatience, indiscipline to their lifestyle resulting in detrimental to their physical and mental health.


How Yoga helps in improving quality of life?

Regular practice of Yoga helps children in building and boosting confidence, strengthening growing bodies, improving concentration, being calm and gaining awareness about their physical attributes, learning to be self-controlled, patient and disciplined.

Children with behavioural issues get an outlet to manage their behaviour in positive directions.


A simple exercise of observing their breathing patterns can do wonders in improving their focus, attention and calmness.

Physical, Social, Emotional & Cognitive benefits of Yoga

  • Developing positive image and awareness about their bodies & learn how to look after it
  • Toning and strengthening of joints
  • Flexibility and mobility of joints
  • Developing the right balance of muscles
  • Building core strength
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Improved digestive system
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Improved body balance, alignment and coordination while practising postures.
  • Increased attention span thus improved concentration
  • Well oxygenated body & mind
  • Positive attitude towards life & surroundings

Few Asanas or postures which are beneficial for children

  • For stress relief: Sukhasana, Shashankasan, Shavasana, Halasana & Anulom Vilom Pranayam
  • For improving Concentration:  Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Garudasana, Natrajasana, Paschimottanasana, Bakasana, Pranayam, Tratak Kriya
  • To Improve digestion: Trikonasana, Paschimottanasana, Pawanmuktasana, Vajrasana, Setubandhasana
  • To gain height:  Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Sarvangasana, Bhujangaeana, Ushtrasana, pad-hastasana
  • To build Strength: Bakasana, Naukaasana, Utkatasana, Ashtavakrasana, Chakrasan

How & When to introduce Yoga it to Children

Yoga can be introduced at any point in time, but if kids start practicing it early in their lives, they will get maximum benefits throughout. It is always advisable to practice it under a qualified teacher or Yoga guru who will first understand the body of the practitioner and accordingly design the program as per body needs to get optimum benefits and to avoid any injury due to incorrect posture or wrong way of practice.




    Flowers in Chania

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